Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Health Information System

Sound and reliable information is the foundation of decision making across all health system building blocks. Health Information System (HIS) is essential for policy development and implementation, governance and regulation, health research, human resource management and development, health education and training, service delivery and financing. HIS enables organisations to deliver improved health care and to manage costs.

QASI assesses the software and hardware needs best suited for an organisation, procures, modifies, installs and maintains the systems. Such systems can be linked to the national reporting frameworks for surveillance and other purposes.

Point of Care Quality Systems

We offer consultancy in ISO 22870:2016 and ISO 15189 which supports effective delivery of point of care testing (POCT). This support strengthens POCT in hospitals, clinics and by a health care organisation providing ambulatory care.