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ISO 17043 Proficiency Testing Provider (PTP)-Courses

ISO/IEC 17043:2023 is an international standard that outlines the requirements for proficiency testing providers (PTPs). PTPs are organizations that provide proficiency testing schemes, which are essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of laboratory results.

ISO/IEC 17043 is an international standard that specifies the general requirements for proficiency testing providers (PTPs). PTPs are organizations that design, organize, and conduct proficiency testing schemes, which are used to assess the performance of laboratories in various fields, including medical, environmental, and food testing.

Ensures quality and comparability of laboratory results: Proficiency testing schemes conducted according to ISO 17043 help to identify and address inconsistencies in laboratory performance, ensuring that results are accurate, reliable, and comparable across different laboratories.

Promotes confidence in laboratory testing: By demonstrating compliance with ISO 17043, laboratories can build trust with their clients and stakeholders, assuring them that their results are of high quality.

Supports regulatory compliance: Many regulatory bodies recognize ISO 17043 as a benchmark for proficiency testing, making it essential for laboratories to comply with the standard to maintain accreditation and avoid penalties.

Facilitates international trade: Consistent and comparable laboratory results are essential for international trade, and ISO 17043 can help to facilitate trade by ensuring that laboratory data is accepted and trusted by regulatory authorities and trading partners worldwide.

Improves laboratory performance: Participation in proficiency testing schemes can help laboratories identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions to enhance their performance.

Provides a framework for continuous improvement: ISO 17043 requires PTPs to have a quality management system in place, which can be used to continuously improve the quality of their proficiency testing schemes.

Overall, ISO 17043 is a valuable tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of laboratory testing, promoting confidence in laboratory results, and supporting regulatory compliance and international trade.

Attending an ISO 17043 PTP training course can provide numerous benefits for individuals and organizations involved in proficiency testing. Here are some of the key advantages:

For Individuals

  • Enhanced knowledge and skills: Gain a deep understanding of the requirements of ISO 17043 and best practices for designing, conducting, and evaluating proficiency testing schemes.
  • Increased credibility: Demonstrate your expertise in proficiency testing and your commitment to quality assurance.
  • Career advancement: Improve your job prospects and earning potential by acquiring a valuable certification.
  • Networking opportunities: Connect with other professionals in the field and build relationships.

For Organizations

  • Improved quality of proficiency testing schemes: Ensure that your organization’s proficiency testing schemes meet the highest international standards.
  • Enhanced credibility: Establish your organization as a trusted and reliable provider of proficiency testing services.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Deliver high-quality proficiency testing services that meet the needs of your clients.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations.
  • Competitive advantage: Differentiate your organization from others by offering ISO 17043-compliant proficiency testing services.

By attending an ISO 17043 PTP training course, you can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the quality and reliability of laboratory testing, improve your career prospects, and enhance your organization’s reputation.

QASI is excited to support you, contact us to begin with the first step!

Explore our courses and find the perfect fit for your needs.

  • ISO 17043 Implementers’ course
  • ISO 17043 Auditors’ course based on ISO 19011
  • ISO 17043 based Conformance Management and Risk Management course
  • ISO 17043 based Risk Management course
  • ISO 17043 based Management Review course
  • ISO 17043 based Statistical Process Control Course

The ISO 17043 PTP training course is designed for individuals involved in the design, organization, and conduct of proficiency testing schemes, including:

  • Proficiency testing providers: Individuals or organizations responsible for developing and managing proficiency testing schemes.
  • Laboratory managers: Individuals who oversee the operations of laboratories participating in proficiency testing schemes.
  • Quality managers: Individuals responsible for ensuring the quality of laboratory results and processes.
  • Scientists and researchers: Individuals who use laboratory data in their work and need to be confident in its accuracy and reliability.
  • Regulatory affairs professionals: Individuals who are involved in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements related to laboratory testing.

Training Days for each course: 5
Exam Duration: 1 hour
Retake Exam: Yes
For additional information, please contact info@qasi.co.ug

ISO 17043 Implementers’ course


Course Description:

The ISO 17043 Implementers’ course is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a proficiency testing provider (PTP) system that meets the requirements of the ISO 17043 standard. ISO 17043 provides a framework for the design, organization, and operation of proficiency testing schemes, which are used to assess the performance of laboratories in various fields.

Course objectives:

    1. Establish and implement a PTP system that meets the requirements of ISO 17043.
    2. Design and conduct proficiency testing schemes.
    3. Analyze proficiency testing data and prepare accurate reports.

      Ensure that participants are able:

    4. Ensure the quality and reliability of proficiency testing services


On successful completion of the course “Certificate of Successful Completion” will be issued to participants.

Resource Material

  • ISO/IEC 17043 international standard.
  • Hand-outs and course material will be supplied to all participants
  • Training Package- Power point Presentations

Who Should Attend:

  • Proficiency testing providers
  • Laboratory managers
  • Quality managers
  • Scientists

Course Prerequisites

  • Proficiency testing: A general understanding of the principles and practices of proficiency testing.
  • Quality management systems: Familiarity with the structure and operation of quality management systems.
  • Statistical analysis: Basic knowledge of statistical methods used in proficiency testing.
  • Laboratory operations: Knowledge of common laboratory practices and procedures.

ISO 17043 Auditors’ course based on ISO 19011


Course Description:

  • The ISO 17043 Auditors’ course, based on the ISO 19011 standard, is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and techniques necessary to conduct effective audits of proficiency testing providers (PTPs) that conform to the ISO 17043 standard. ISO 17043 provides a framework for the design, organization, and operation of proficiency testing schemes, which are used to assess the performance of laboratories in various fields.

Key topics covered in the course include:

  • ISO 17043 requirements: A comprehensive understanding of the key principles, clauses, and requirements of the ISO 17043 standard for PTPs.
  • ISO 19011 auditing principles: The fundamental principles and techniques for conducting effective audits, as outlined in the ISO 19011 standard.
  • Audit planning and preparation: Techniques for planning and preparing for audits of PTPs, including developing an audit plan, selecting audit team members, and gathering necessary documentation.

Audit techniques: Effective auditing techniques for assessing the performance of PTPs, including evaluating the design, organization, and operation of proficiency testing schemes among others.

Course objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  1. Conduct effective audits of PTPs that conform to ISO 17043.
  2. Identify nonconformities and recommend corrective actions.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of PTP systems.

Contribute to the continuous improvement of proficiency testing schemes.


  • Participants get certificate of successful course completion awarded at the end of the training.
  • Minimum requirements for certification will include: 100% attendance of the sessions and at least 70% in the post-test.
  • Participants who fail to meet the criteria above get a certificate of participation.

Resource Material

  • ISO 15189
  • ISO 19011
  • ISO 15189 checklists
  • Hand-outs and course materials

Who Should Attend:

  • Internal auditors
  • External auditors
  • Laboratory managers
  • Quality managers
  • Scientists
  • Regulatory affairs professionals

Course Prerequisites

  • ISO 17043: A general knowledge of the key principles, clauses, and requirements of the ISO 17043 standard for proficiency testing providers (PTPs).
  • ISO 19011: Familiarity with the principles and techniques for conducting audits, as outlined in the ISO 19011 standard.
  • Quality management systems: A basic understanding of quality management systems and their principles.
  • Auditing concepts: Knowledge of auditing principles, such as evidence collection, objective evaluation, and reporting.
  • Proficiency testing: A general understanding of proficiency testing schemes and their purpose.

ISO 17043 based Corrective Action, Action to address risks and opportunities (CA/A-RO) course


Course Description:

The ISO 17043-Based Corrective Action, Action to Address Risks and Opportunities (CA/A-RO) course is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage nonconformities, risks, and opportunities within proficiency testing providers (PTPs). This course is tailored to the specific requirements of ISO 17043, which provides a framework for the design, organization, and operation of proficiency testing schemes.

Course objectives:

The participant will be able to:

  1. Effectively identify and address nonconformities within PTPs.
  2. Conduct thorough root cause analyses.
  3. Develop and implement effective corrective and preventive actions.
  4. Manage risks associated with proficiency testing activities.

Contribute to the continuous improvement of PTP systems.


On successful completion of the course a “Certificate of Successful Completion” will be awarded..

Resource Material

  • ISO 17043 international standard.
  • ISO 31000- ISO for Risk Management
  • Hand-outs and course material will be supplied to all participants

Who Should Attend:

Participants include:

  • Proficiency testing providers
  • Laboratory managers
  • Quality managers
  • Scientists
  • Regulatory affairs professionals

Course Prerequisites

  • ISO 17043: A general knowledge of the key principles, clauses, and requirements of the ISO 17043 standard for proficiency testing providers (PTPs).
  • Quality management systems: Familiarity with the structure and operation of quality management systems.
  • Risk management: Basic understanding of risk management principles and techniques.
  • Root cause analysis: Knowledge of root cause analysis methods.
  • Corrective and preventive actions: Familiarity with the concepts of corrective and preventive actions

ISO 17043 based Management Review course


Course Description:

  • Management Review is a formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the quality system in relation to the quality policy and objectives. MR provides the cornerstone for the laboratory’s strategic planning.
  • The ISO 17043-Based Management Review course is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective management reviews within proficiency testing providers (PTPs). This course is tailored to the specific requirements of ISO 17043, which provides a framework for the design, organization, and operation of proficiency testing schemes.

Course objectives:

  1. Strengthen the method and structure of routine Management Reviews to ensure continuing compliance with the requirements of the ISO 17043
  2. .
  3. Provide detailed understanding on what metrics are monitored and why it is important to the quality system.
  • Develop capacity to conduct effective management review in line with the requirements of ISO 17043


  • Participants get certificate of successful course completion awarded at the end of the training.
  • Minimum requirements for certification will include: 95% attendance of the sessions and at least 70% in the post-test. Participants who fail to meet the criteria above get a certificate of participation.

Resource Material

  • ISO 17043
  • ILAC G20:2002
  • Hand-outs and course materials

Who Should Attend:

Participants include:

  • Proficiency testing providers
  • Laboratory managers
  • Quality managers
  • Scientists
  • Regulatory affairs professionals.

Course Prerequisites

  • Participants should be Knowledge of Management systems and ISO 17043 standard
  • Should be a member of top management and or involved in strategic planning of the institution

ISO 17043 based Statistical Process Control Course


Course Description:

  • Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a powerful tool for monitoring and controlling processes, ensuring consistent quality and reducing variation. When applied to proficiency testing providers (PTPs) operating under ISO 17043, SPC can help identify trends, detect anomalies, and improve the overall performance of proficiency testing schemes.

Here are 5 potential ISO 17043-based SPC courses that are offered:

  • Fundamentals of SPC for PTPs:
  • Introduction to SPC concepts and tools
  • Application of SPC to proficiency testing data
  • Interpretation of control charts and other SPC tools
  • Case studies demonstrating the use of SPC in PTPs
  • Advanced SPC techniques, such as multivariate control charts and capability analysis
  • Application of advanced SPC techniques to proficiency testing data

Case studies demonstrating the use of advanced SPC methods

Course objectives:

  1. Understanding of SPC concepts: Participants should gain a clear understanding of SPC principles, tools, and techniques.
  2. Application of SPC to PTPs: Participants should be able to apply SPC methods to analyze proficiency testing data and identify trends, patterns, and anomalies.
  3. Interpretation of SPC results: Participants should be able to interpret SPC charts and other outputs to assess the performance of proficiency testing schemes.
  4. Integration of SPC into ISO 17043: Participants should understand how to integrate SPC into the framework of ISO 17043 and demonstrate its value in improving proficiency testing quality.


  • Participants get certificate of successful course completion awarded at the end of the training.
  • Minimum requirements for certification will include: 100% attendance of the sessions and at least 70% in the post-test. Participants who fail to meet the criteria above get a certificate of participation.

Resource Material

  • ISO 17043
  • CLSI Auto 8
  • CLSI EP15-A3
  • CLSI EP06-A
  • CLSI EP09-A3
  • CLSI EP17-A2
  • CLSI EP21-Ed2
  • CLSI C24-Ed4
  • Statistical tables and charts

Who Should Attend:

Participants include:

  • Proficiency testing providers: Organizations responsible for designing, organizing, and conducting proficiency testing schemes.
  • Laboratory managers: Individuals who oversee the operations of laboratories participating in proficiency testing schemes.
  • Quality managers: Responsible for ensuring the quality of laboratory results and processes.
  • Scientists and researchers: Individuals who use laboratory data in their work and need to be confident in its accuracy and reliability.
  • Regulatory affairs professionals: Individuals who are involved in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements related to laboratory testing.

Course Prerequisites

  • ISO 17043: A general knowledge of the key principles, clauses, and requirements of the ISO 17043 standard for proficiency testing providers (PTPs).
  • Statistical concepts: Familiarity with basic statistical concepts, such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance.
  • Control charts: Knowledge of common control chart types, such as X-bar, R, and individuals’ charts.
  • Process capability: Understanding the concept of process capability and how it is measured.

Who should attend?

The ISO 17043 PTP training course is designed for individuals involved in the design, organization, and conduct of proficiency testing schemes, including:

  • Proficiency testing providers: Individuals or organizations responsible for developing and managing proficiency testing schemes.
  • Laboratory managers: Individuals who oversee the operations of laboratories participating in proficiency testing schemes.
  • Quality managers: Individuals responsible for ensuring the quality of laboratory results and processes.
  • Scientists and researchers: Individuals who use laboratory data in their work and need to be confident in its accuracy and reliability.
  • Regulatory affairs professionals: Individuals who are involved in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements related to laboratory testing.

Other Information

Training Days for each course: 5
Exam Duration: 1 hour
Retake Exam: Yes
For additional information, please contact info@qasi.co.ug